
Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Mentors

For this Think Kit blog post, we're prompted to discuss our mentors. In my case, my mom and dad immediately come to mind. At this point in my life, my parents are some of my best friends and both have always been mentors.

My dad and I have such interesting conversations and share similar viewpoints on so many topics. This is perhaps favorite part of my relationship with my dad. We can talk politics or current events and not talk at each other or over each other let alone get into any irreconcilable arguments.  The mentoring has been subtle, but very influential. I am pretty lucky.

My mother has been a spiritual mentor since I have been a child. She may scratch her head a bit upon reading this as we have not always seen eye to eye on on some things. But her patience and persistence has given me the space and the time to get to a place I want to be.  Rest assured mom, your influence is present!

My mother, as an elementary school teacher, has been a reliable mentor with respect to my children's education.  One thing I've discovered is that no one, including me, truly understands elementary class room dynamic outside of the teacher in the room, educating and nurturing children. I've been fortunate to have my mother to mentor me as my children enter school.

While I haven't chosen same profession as my father, he has still served as a mentor and guide as I grew up trying to find myself in the work world. I have historically struggled with this and still struggle a bit today. My dad has always been there to listen and provide some very sage advice. He is very good at this as I have witnessed countless others that are in his profession, people my age and younger, call upon him for input or guidance. 

From these perspectives my mom and dad are truly friends and mentors to both me and my brother. I guess that is likely a good recipe for an adult and his parents.  I very much appreciate and cherish these mentors.

I'm blogging this month as part of Smallbox Design's community project Think Kit (  It's my 3rd or 4th year doing it and it's real entertaining for me, and sometimes my audience.