Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Think Kit Dec. 31st - Looking Toward 2014 By Continuing The Best of 2013

As 2013 ends, I feel I've settled into a great groove.  Taking time to reflect really pays off. I find activities I like and make them habit while looking for new experiences.  So while I obviously can't describe the unknown events and activities that will highlight 2014, I can list a few things I've done in the past that I know I'll be doing again this coming year.
  • Camping with my girls
  • Indy's summer festival season
  • Afternoons spent biking along the canal path to the IMA grounds, Butler's campus, Broad Ripple, and so forth
  • My 36th consecutive year at our family's little lake house up on Lake Tippecanoe
  • Quality music shows that will pop up throughout the year (e.g., Neko Case)
  • Reds v. Pirates baseball games with my family
  • Settling into my first year at Apparatus
  • Quiet summer evenings at my family's farm
What I enjoy about this is list of things I'm looking forward to in 2014 is that I use them all as an exercise in self-awareness.  I contemplate the people around, my geographic position, and how I affect and am impacted by them. Much of this list is family oriented because that's who I am at 35.  These activities are all accompanied by moments where I stop, take a deep breath, and look around. It can be a very intoxicating and rewarding experience and I will ensure this next year will see it in abundance.

So here's to 2014, the year where we all take some time to recognize the moment, focus more on ourselves, and respect and honor our fathers and mothers.

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