Monday, December 31, 2012

ThinkKit D30 - Happy New Year!

Think Kit For this, the final day of the Think Kit December blogging challenge, we look to 2013 with thoughts on the year's outlook.  All in all, 2013 looks to be one for the record books.

This year will be amazing if nothing else than to watch my family to mature and pretty much kill it in the cuteness department.  It will be hard to watch my oldest start Kindergarten.  But I can't wait to just marvel over her as she continues to grow into a smart and strong little girl.

My wife and I will celebrate ten years of wedded bliss next August and we will celebrate.  I've already gushed over her earlier so I'll spare you now.  There could be some fun travel involved.  

For me, I want to continue learning about and interacting in my different communities.  I've met a handful of great people.  I want to be around them more and meet the rest.  With a few years more experience to draw upon, I've been feeling compelled to become more  active in the various circles and communities I've come to enjoy.  There are already a lot of fantastic things about this area.  I hope to help contribute to this atmosphere and help transform what is less than fantastic.  Anymore, I feel like now is as good as any to make things happen.  Let's do this, 2013.

P.S. thanks for the boost there, Think Kit.  This has been fun!

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